

In the frame of the public presentation of VIHVO, the specialized area of SOMOSGAY in the development of activities, services and lobby in favor of people living with HIV of the gay population, a letter was received by the Vice-Minister of Health, Dr. Edgar Gimenez Caballero, congratulating the serious efforts taken by the entity in favor of the integral health of the sector.

VIHVO started its work in March of 2010, with tendencies to develop programs that attend the necessities and valuations special to gay males living with HIV. Currently, the organization is a planning phase to articulate activities in the other areas of SOMOSGAY.
The teams of VIHVO and SOMOSGAY thank the letter, affirming its compromise to keep moving forward in the work of the area of integral health of all paraguayans.
A copy of the letter is attached.
Asuncion, March 15 of 2010
SIMON CAZAL, Executive Director
From my greatest consideration:
I turn to you, making reference to your note with the date of March 4th of 2010, with the objective of expressing my gratitude on the presentation of the Report of Situation that the gay community is going through as a population affected by HIV. At the same time I would like to congratulate you for the work that you are doing in our country.
Thanking your gratefulness, I would like to take advantage of this opportunity to let you know that we will have you in mind for future projects on this matter.
Having nothign further to add, I remain.
Vice-Minister of Health
