

SOMOSGAY repudiates the declarations of the supposed statement of the EPP, stressing that our organization works to make a country with equality to all paraguayans, and is against any sort of political, economical, religious, sexual orientation-related persecution, cited in its founding statuses.

SOMOSGAY has worked supported by several political parties and even religious sectors in the different areas in favour of human rights, and will never support a violence statement, based on fear or hate.
We believe that fear to difference can stoke up the radical positions that threaten the freedom of people and their equality in the society.
Fear has created prejudices strongly attached to our society, like homophobia which is defined as the fear towards homosexual persons and their affective expressions. It is in this understanding that our organization is committed to the construction of a paraguayan society that is more inclusive, fair and equal to all.
Paraguay lives in democracy, SOMOSGAY can disagree on several religious organizations in regards to their beliefs, but will always encourage them to use their democratic spaces to expose their ideas in a pacific and free manner in our country. Therefore it must be clear that our organization could not have been the author of the mentioned statement as expressed by representatives of FEDAPAR.
It is in this spirit that we want to call a press conference, tomorrow September 30th at 10am in the headquarters of our organization, located on Manduvira 367 between Chile and Alberdi. We extend again our invitation to participate at the Festival for Equality and Freedom that will be on Saturday October 2nd from 9:30am in front of the Panteon Nacional de los Heroes, where several artists that have joined the celebration to perform.
