Since the emergence of HIV more than 30 years ago, our communities have been the pioneers in giving response, face an unknown virus and force our governments to take responsibility in ensuring the right to health. There are an estimated of 33 million people living with HIV worldwide and about 20,000 of them live in Paraguay.
We make this claim at a key time in which the National Strategic Plan on HIV is in the drafting process. This sets a unique opportunity to get the country to ensure health and wellness to people affected by HIV. That is why we consider important that this process incorporates without excuses the full protection and guarantee of human rights, and is made with the highest scientific standards, based on all available evidence.
A key element to this evidence is the latest report from the World Health Organization (WHO), which stated that more than 4.2 million lives were saved thanks to access to HIV treatment, further suggesting that by 2015, the goal of reaching 15 million people in treatment is possible. In the "Treatment Guide" of the WHO is also mentioned that HIV -related deaths can be reduced by 39 % by 2025, and can be reduced by 36 % of new infections in the same year.
This also shows the way that the Paraguayan State should continue as to improve the quality of life of people living with HIV, especially in the most affected communities.
We at SOMOSGAY believe that this can be achieved by 1- increasing the extent and accessibility of HIV treatment for all who need it, 2- making prevention an integral part of public policies of health, employment and education 3 - extending the use of condoms and water-based lubricants, accompanied by adequate information to different audiences and 4 - to promote public policies on equality, human rights and full inclusion to banish homophobia and discrimination from our culture.
If the new guidelines on the use of antiretroviral agents for the treatment and prevention of HIV of the WHO are applied quickly and effectively, about 26 million people from middle and low income they can improve their quality of life and that of their communities (family, friends, work colleagues, etc).
From SOMOSGAY firmly believe that solidarity and progress in scientific, accurate and timely information is the path towards a Paraguay with zero discrimination and zero new HIV cases.