

As of April 24th of 2011 the International LGBT Seminar of the MERCOSUR took place in Asuncion. Delegations from Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay analysed the situation of human rights in the region.

Additional speakers included Gloria Rubin, Women's Minister, who spoke about the difficulties found on the legal advance and deepening of public policies with a perspective of gender from the State. She stressed the strong influence of the religious fundamentalism in its contrary manifestation to human rights in general and the woman in particular.
Likewise, Sara Lopez form the Vice-Ministry of Education talked about the construction and implementation process of a public policy of education on human rights and the barriers that have been set up in the process by sectors interested in maintaining an educative model that reinforces the authoritarian culture in which the democracy still in unable to shift towards the recognition of rights equality.
In another time, Diana Garcia of the Vice-Ministry of Youth, reflected on the discriminative devices installed by the dictatorship, that still act against the advance of human rights and the deepening of democracy. She also presented data on the low access to public spaces for youth, where 65% of them only have access to religious spaces for collective activities and almost in the same rate, use private houses as spaces for meetings and socialization with their peers.
In her turn Karina Rodriguez, socialist councillor for the Frente Guasu in Asuncion, mentioned the initiatives presented to a municipal level to fight homophobia in the city. She also reflected on the urgent need to count with a legal framework that protects people of discrimination for their sexual orientation.
Thanks to these presentations the it could be analysed from different perspectives the complex panorama of the public policies in several levels in our country. At the same time the strategic expertise for the implementation of the ambitious plan of the Paraguayan LGBT Federation.

After these local presentations, the argentine delegation exposed their process on the advance of human rights since the conformation of the Argentine LGBT Federation (FALGBT) up until the approval of the equal marriage bill.
Finally the brazilian delegation presented a full report on the public policies implemented in the country, reflecting at the same time on the need of these policies to alleviate the impact of homophobia in the daily life of gays and lesbians that has even costed the life of many crossdressers, transgenders and transexuals.
