

Sergio López, in his character of Coordinator to the Youth Area of SOMOSGAY, was invited to participate at the 4th Forum for Partners in the Global Fund. This event is intended to gather the voices of the executive entities, the interested parties of the civil society, private sector and the Government, and other partners, to debate on how to broaden the effects of work of the Global Funds on the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.

The Forum is a world multisectorial consult mechanism that is part of the architecture of the government of the Fund, that meets every two years and evaluates the strategic orientation and other relevant topics.
The Global Fund is a world public-private association dedicated to attracting and collecting new resources to prevent and treat HIV and AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. This association between governments, the civil society, the private sector and the communities affected represents a new focus of international financing in health. The Global Fund works closely with other bilateral and multilateral organizations with the objective of complementing the efforts to control these three diseases.
Under the motto "Work together to build our future", the three days of uninterrupted work at the 4th Forum of partners took place at the Sheraton Hotel WTC in Sao Paulo, Brazil, where around 350 people from around the world participated in the formulation of strategies, and also consults that will play the role of an important source of information for the strategy in the next five years of the Global Fund.
The Global Fund has a record of recommendations of the Forum of Partners that have influences decisively in their labour, and that made a commitment to this fourth consult to gather new voices and others that have been participating for a long time to contribute in the construction of the future work of the Global Fund and interested parties. Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director to the Global Fund, mentioned and stressed the importance of the participation of the civil society in the Forum of Partners. This project seeks to offer spaces to make accessible those consults and recommendations to the Fund by the members of the Civil Society in order to improve the work quality of the Fund and its impact in the fight with these three diseases.
Shaun Mellors, Human Rights Secretary Advisor, affirmed that "the Global Fund is committed to the participation of young persons in order to guarantee the participation of young persons". For her part, Andy Seale, advisor of the most vulnerable populations and Member of the Secretariat of the Fund, said that "the participation of young people, and specially young gays and trans in the decision making process of the Global Fund is crucial to generate a greater reach and impact in the labour of the Fund to fight these three diseases. The inclusion of young people in the Country Coordination Mechanism (MCP) must be guaranteed. The commitment of the Global Fund to young people is very strong and must be reflected in all spaces."
During the Forum of Partners the work was based around 5 thematic axes, in with the participants must debate on topics of interest, and pass on their recommendations and consults to the members of the Board of Directors of the Global Fund. The thematic axes were:
Enhance the impact: use the inversions on the three diseases to the widest results in health
Focus on human rights
Use the money wisely (or finance what is needed)
Strengthen governability and supervision
Implement a better impact
Jair Brandao, member and representative of the civil society in Brazil, said that "governments should continue to support civil society and should do so more effectively. We understand the financial crisis that we are going through, and that we have an impact on the Fund. The Global Fund has advanced, but funders are not accompanying this process. "
Access, responsibility and rights is sought to be achieved with the 4th Partnership Forum with participants from over 100 countries around the world with emphasis on the strategic processes of the Global Fund. The recommendations are drawn from each Partnership Forum guide and provide information to the Board through its Policy and Strategy Committee, and directly contribute to develop the framework for implementing the strategic direction of the Global Fund.
Sergio Lopez, in his capacity as representative of our organization, met formally and informally with the Executive Director and members of the Board of the Global Fund, to let them share in the activities and projects that our organization has been doing in our country as part of the Paraguayan Civil Society.
