

SOMOSGAY in compliance with it mission of partnership of solidarity, committed with the innovation of effective strategies against homophobia; the improvement of HIV and AIDS prevention; the defense of human rights of the people affected by this virus and advance of Human Rights in Paraguay, is currently developing several projects under these objectives.

One of the projects being implemented is supported by the American Foundation of AIDS Research (amfAR) from New York, by UNAIDS Southern Cone and the local PAHO and pretends to extend the service of HIV early detection, focusing on facilitating the access to gay men, one of the most affected populations by HIV.
Regionally, gay men and other men who have sex with men are the most affected by HIV, due primarily to social homophobia and the stigma that prevent the access to information that suits their needs. These men are also rejected the provision of services due to the hostile and unfriendly environment that is present.
SOMOSGAY offers for the first time in our country the counseling service, voluntary testing, diagnosis and treatment of STI and referral of HIV + cases to support networks of people living with HIV, along with peer counseling and giving out male condoms and water-based lube.
This service is open to all citizens. It is expected that the safe environment of the Center will encourage gay, bisexuals and MSM mainly, including male sex workers since these suffer great barriers to access health services in general due to discrimination and homophobia in this spaces.
The Center, is located strategically close to the meeting places for gays bisexuals and other MSM and nearby a urban zone attended by male sex workers. It is expected to distribute condoms and lubes to the people that visit the Center and that take the voluntary test.
This project also has the support of the Paraguayan Center of Population Studies (CEPEP) who have provided materials and training, of the MSM Global Forum on HIV, with headquarters in Oakland, California - USA and the organization Epicentro from Lima, Peru. Through our new strategic alliances with these organizations we expect to maximize the impact and contribute in a more effective manner to our mission.
The Testing and Counseling Center is open from 2pm to 10pm Monday thru Saturdays, on Manduvira Street 367 between Chile and Alberdi Streets in Asuncion.
The opening act included the presence of Dr. Ivan Allende, Vigilance DIrector of Health at the Ministry of Public Health and Social Well Being and the Executive Secretary of the Country Coordination Mechanism-Paraguay (MCP), Dr. Cynthia Prieto, Executive Director to the CEPEP, Dr. Margarita Villafañe from the PAHO/WHO and the Socialist Councillor of Asuncion, Karina Rodriguez.
