With the presence of Diana Garcia, representative of the Vice Ministry of Youth , and Simon Cazal leader SOMOSGAY on Monday September 19 panel discussion "Youth and Homophobia " organized by the Student Union of the Faculty of Philosophy was performed National University of Asuncion, in the headquarters of the faculty.
The intent of the discussion group was to reflect on the generational issue homophobia and disproportionate impact of this on the youths.
Homophobia , like racism or sexism , is inserted into the customs of our country, and therefore deeply rooted in our culture. Perpetuated through the generations , using mainly ignorance and misinformation. Due to isolation, geographical and political which our country was faced for long periods of our history , the consequences of homophobia acquire a very violent character in Paraguay .
SOMOSGAY seeks to create a social change that contributes to the strengthening of a more equal , democratic and equitable society which holds values as principles of construction of Paraguay for all and all its inhabitants.