


The frame of the Plaza de la Democracia and the symbolic building of the Hotel Guarani were the stage on Monday June 28, 2010 , for the realization of the historic FIRST LGBT AND HETEROSEXUAL EQUALITY PARADE IN PARAGUAY. More than 300 citizens gathered, and a huge success story of the celebration recalled from its origins in the city of New York and to this day , besides doing a tribute to the memory of victims of the list of 108 , published in the time of the Stroessner dictatorship.


Asuncion joined the world's major cities, by adding this celebration to its cultural calendar.


The route chosen by the FIRST LGBT AND HETEROSEXUAL EQUALITY PARADE, part of it is that 51 years ago made the persecuted by the dictatorship of Stroessner regime that ruled at the time: the 108 victims who were persecuted and humiliated in the same way. The systematic persecution of that time were narrated in first person by Miguel Angel Auad , president of the first organization LGBT Paraguay, the  Paraguayan Homosexual Community (CHOPA), founded in 1996, also one of the last survivors of the homophobic persecutions in the regime of Stroessner.


The ceremony was marked by the euphoria of the position reached by the football team in the top eight teams in the World Cup in South Africa, reaching farther than anyone expected and attesting to the spirit of tireless struggle we share as a nation Guarani.
